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新龙凤配 Sabrina(1995)


    Sabrina(Julia Ormond 朱莉娅·奥蒙德饰)是赖瑞毕家司机的女儿,从小她就暗恋二少爷David(Greg Kinnear 格雷格·金内尔饰)。外界对二少爷的评价可远远不及他的大哥Linus(Harrison Ford 哈里森·福特饰),人们赞许大少爷睿智冷静,富有商业头脑。二少爷不过是个游手好闲,只知道泡妞的花花公子罢了。



  1. 这部片子里有一位静静的父亲,静静地做着他的司机,静静地看书,静静地买股票给Sabrina挣了一大笔嫁妆,这一位老人才是这部片里给我最大触动的人。他的价值观甚至连他的女儿也很疑惑,“为什么有很深文化涵养的父亲,却只甘于做一个没有什么社会地位和钱途的司机?”。



  2. 下面的台词老版里没有,是新作的精彩:


    -You're talking about my life.
    - I pay for your life. My life makes your life possible.
    - I resent that.
    - So do I... Look at yourself, you went to law school, you never took the bar. You went to business school, I can't get your anywhere near the office. You studied languages, you don't speak, instruments you don't play. You have a series of girlfriends, you never see more than twice... You are grow man David, FINISH SOMETHING.


    - I am going to Paris tomorrow.
    - What?
    - It's a long story.
    - I like long story.
    - You won't like this one
    - Try me.
    - I think I'm getting old, I feel terrible about this.
    - Take a pill.
    - Watch it, I am still your mother.


    - What was he like as a child?
    - Shorter.

    ... ...
  3. 很同意上面的帖子 毫不夸张 这是我最喜欢的电影 虽然情节老套 还是重拍片 依旧迷恋得一塌糊涂 Sabrina的旁白古典而哀伤 I found myself in Paris. 电影里说 按照出生的地点来确定国籍是不合理的 心灵的归属才算数 喜欢这部电影的人大概都会赞同 配乐 表演 对白 节奏 分不清是哪些微妙的因素 营造出奇异的窝心的氛围 时常的翻出来看 每个镜头烂熟于心 总能让我平静 并沉浸在不张扬 不做作的浪漫里

  4. Gertrude stein once said , America is my country , but Paris is my home town. I always feel that way about Paris. It’s turned out cold but I don’t feel cold. Across the street someone is playing “la vie en rose”. They do it for tourists. But I am surprised at how it moves me. It means seeing life through rose-colored glasses. Only in Paris where the light is pink, could that song make sense.But I will take it in my pocket when I get home and I will take it with me wherever I go from now on.
    巴黎之行让她找到了自己,正如他爸爸说的“What really matters is you are away from here,experiencing new things,finding new friends ,getting another view of the world, and not constantly thinking about you know who.”找到自己,她很幸运,有多少人还在异乡徘徊,守着不属于自己的一片天空,不知道何去何从。Find yourself,at some place,at sometime.
    I think that it's totally wrong to see it as another Cinderella story. Sabrina is not a cinderella, instead ,she is an angel,a fairy,a smart sophistecated lady and she deserves everything this world has to give.