整个案子的转折都很好猜,可看到孤注一掷的杀手承认真相时还是有些胸闷。“she is the best thing that ever happened to me”,从特工因此决定继续保护他这点可以看出其个性与Finch的不同,我始终觉得Reese灵魂深处那种温暖与乐观(有时甚至让人觉得天真)非常可贵,虽说为了这份心境他可是吃过不少亏。相反Finch的内心却要更加硬质一点,当然同时还保有着正直三观。
另外这集我非常喜欢也非常伤感的地方是杀手最终挂掉了,"No matter how much you change, you still have to pay the price for what you have done. "(城中大盗),想到这句话是因为电影并没有真正表现好这一点,而Riley付出了生命的代价,故事不完满,却更打动我。
甜甜圈的情节让我想起了以前和家里狗狗分吃牦牛肉干的事,囧。 特工叔那句遇到神秘富豪的吐槽真是no law to see,这俩日常调情太自然了=L=……还有假结婚什么的,Finch你上回模拟人生还没玩儿够吗?不管啦Miss me already才是重点!! 特工翻身做Boss,宅总舍己当老公啊不,劳工,Cosplay别太入戏!
Being in love is one thing, being married a whole different animal. One day you're married to your soul mate, then you watch them turn into someone else. Sometimes you're just so in love with who a person was, and can't bring yourself to love who they've become. Then it may eventually change to hate. But the most tragedy part is, when hate finally becomes indifference, the only thing that's worse.
这回需要戴墨镜直视的亮点还用说吗XD: "Finch, are you there?" "Always, Mr.Resse." 许是从Finch跟TM一道看见而未能阻止对方不幸遭遇的一刻开始(或者更早?),两个人之间便有了不可分割的灵魂联结,虽然用大脑和四肢来指代他们是不够合适的(特工不满中……),但我真的只是想再次强调R与F那种彼此依靠同进共退相守即一的宿命和谐感!
"You're in a good mood, Mr.Reese." "I am. I woke up this morning and felt——It took me a while to put my finger on it, but I felt happy, must be this job." "Well, I'm glad." 此情此景还能说什么……实习四周保持完好的狗眼又给闪瞎了!