One can define an ideology as "a system of ideas that reflects the social needs and aspirations of an individual group, class or culture".
But the director's message tends to view this system and particular worldview as "how the world works. When we watch a movie, we see a movie that conveys ideals that are directly as same as my own culture and views, such as the backgrounds and ideas that are so widely accepted that the viewer is not aware of them, and that is the ideology that the movie conveys.
Rithy Panhreturns to the Khmer Rouge theme, using VoiceOver throughout the film, with clay figures recreating scenes (with occasional insertions of real footage) of his family's experiences as citizens of Phnom Penh in those days. Together with the reminiscent scenes made of clay dolls, the film is a documentary that combines individual encounters with the tragedies of the times.The director uses clay figures to replace the images of the Khmer Rouge's oppressive centralization or corpse pits with oral history, and the woodcut figures complete the fragmented images left in memory, suggesting on the one hand the disappearance of evidence; on the other hand, it displayyed that history is forgotten, the Khmer Rouge's brutal atrocities of concentration camps and mass graves, and the terrible thing is that the Khmer Rouge has not disappeared, and in Cambodia's subsequent history, it still exerted great political influence. But Rithy Panh uses a calm narrative tone to look down on the earth and history, after all this, he can still notice the toilers digging pits on the streets of Cambodia today, this compassion for himself and his family, has been projected onto the human being itself.
1:23:29 处,导演的父母看着电视中的他正在谈论这部影片;这是这部纪录片仅有的幻想。因他的父母早就死于疯狂的个人欲望和变质的意识形态。还有数百万同样因此而死的人,他们的血肉浇灌了柬埔寨的土地。这是否也是导演选用泥人代替他们的原因呢?影片中多次出现的海浪,就像是那波时代浪潮所带来的溺亡窒息感的具象化。数以百万的生命就这样悄无声息地淹没在狂涛巨浪中,可这段记忆绝不是海滩上能被冲刷掉的沙画。