不过事实情况是,这部剧现在在英国以外绝对算不上火,豆瓣上第一季的条目只有1000多人评价,天天美剧上的片源下载量也少的可怜,甚至美国记者在采访ben的时候也感叹,“Your wonderful BBC show, The Hour, is a hit in Britain, but the first season was watched by just 152,000 people here. Please tell my foolish people what they are missing.”也许the hour的题材和风格注定无法真正的获得大众的关注?做为一个所学专业和新闻传播还挺靠边的人,我也得承认这部剧最吸引我的部分还是对感情的刻画而不是案件情节、新闻工作者的工作状态【而且我个人觉得其实这剧看起来大胆其实“又红又专”】。做为ben为数不多【啥?】的BG戏,freddie和bel这条情节线虽然笔墨不算多但是元素丰富,逻辑也完整,而且我就喜欢暗虐型呵呵后【到第二季已经不太暗了】! 废话实在太多了,现在步入正题,梳理一下这俩人的感情线。
这集先是BILL来了,仨人相逢。场面甚为微妙。 电梯口,BEL要下去正好碰到BILL从电梯里出来。 Bel:Going down? Bill:Actually, I was hoping to take you out for lunch. Bel:I can't. Bill:I want to kiss you.(俩人在电梯口快吻上了,这会儿F“适时”地出现啦) F:Oh? I wouldn't. Bob in accounts gets awfully jealous. (明明是你自己jealous得受不了吧) Bill:Mr Lyon. F:Good Christmas? BILL:Yes. We rang in the New Year. I'd better get going. I'm meeting my one-time best man. Now working for Auntie on the Sports desk. Dinner?(期间BEL一直含情脉脉地望着Bill) BEL:Bring wine.【BEL下楼走了,这俩就剩这俩人尴尬了】 F:Love to. BEL:You're not invited. BILL:Very good. F:Are you going to Sports? BILL:What? F:I thought you were going to Sports. BILL:Yes. F:White. She prefers white.【F苦笑了一下】
后来俩人讨论工作的时候,F一边叫B moneypenny一边把手放在B放在电话的手上了,然后,这会儿,法国金鱼女进来看见了。 后来F回家和金鱼女狂吵了一架,半夜一个人穿着毛衣秋裤在床边抽烟惆怅,这会儿恐怕是想明白了自己对金鱼女和B的感情。(这会儿俩B正在甜蜜)。 第二天准备节目直播的时候,金鱼女来找B,说自己要走了。 金鱼女:Look after him.It's what he wants.What you both want. B:Um... that's not true. 金鱼女:Yes, it is. You just can't admit it. 【B无比尴尬脸】 B回办公室,F正在她的黑板前沉思。 B:We've just got to get on with it, Freddie. No complaining. F:Who's complaining?【狠打了一下柜子发泄】Sorry. B: (震惊脸)Not even a dent. Camille dropped by. She said she was going away for a few days. F:(背对着B,捋头发)Right. B:I asked her to wait but, erm... F:We keep fighting. B:Right. F: (转过头来望着B)About you.(望向别处)She says all I care about is the story. The story and... (转头看B)you.
【E5】 一 众人在会议室因为舞女之死要不要继续报道这个事情而吵架,bel甩门走了。 F:Bel... Bel.(第二声呼唤温柔到死) 然后一个人追出去了。 B:Go away. F:Don't do that. She's dead. I'm sorry. It's not right. It's very far from right, but we're journalists. This is what we do. We pursue the best story, the most important story. B:Oh, my God! This is just about you -spinning on the ice! F:If it exposes the unexposed, yes. If it gets the story, yes. Winning applause and a perfect score? Why not? What's wrong with that? Normally, they shoot the messenger. B:Yes, exactly. You are charging towards a loaded gun and you think you can miraculously dodge the bullet. Well, you can't. Not this time. You couldn't before. You left for ten months and only came back because Randall flattered your vanity and so you could show off your new wife. Another well-laid plan. F:Thank you! B:Has Camille come back from wherever she was? You look terrible. F: I’m fine. She’s... She's just with friends. B:Oh, Freddie! F:I don't want to talk about it. B:You just run through life scraping past injury. Nothing touches you.You pretend it does, but it doesn't. Not really. That girl... That girl sat in this office, in her best coat, and WE persuaded her to rush US information for a story that we didn't tell. F:So, tell it now! B:It's too late. She's dead! I want you to feel guilty. To feel like I feel.Like..Like I've killed someone and I will never be able to look them in the eye and say, "I'm sorry".(F去抓B手,B抽出来大喊) No! 【Isaac误入被喝走】 B:In the past... In the past, you WOULD have felt guilty. F:If I feel guilty, I stop being able to do what I do best. So I'm going to be excited.(耸肩)I'm excited.(张开双手) Be excited!(拍大腿) B:For what? YOUR ambition? F:You didn't kill her. It’s not your fault. B:Then whose fault is it?(哭腔) F气鼓鼓地甩手跺脚走了。
二. 这段是B和H在屋里说H跳槽的事儿,然后B又提起那个死了的女孩无亲无故连个葬礼都没有,又开始气F气的不行。 B: (气炸了脸)And all Freddie cares about...God, he's so frustrating!He really is! 【H笑】Well, don't smile.Why are you laughing? H:Because for someone so brutally honest with everyone else, you display such blatant deceit when it comes to yourself. B:Freddie's... H: Back.I hear his wife is still away. Well, you always did have a penchant for the married man. F:【F从门缝探脑进来对B说】Are you, um...actually working today? B:Yes, actually... Going through tomorrow's show. Then I'm leaving. 【B走出房间在黑板上写字布置工作】 F:Hector, El Paradis, tonight. B:No. Hector, you say "no". F:I'm not asking you to come,just letting you know in case...(明明想和人家一起去还装傲娇) B:In case we find you with a bullet to your head?! F:So dramatic. B:Really? You know what they do with their unwanted guests? H:I promised I'd pick Marnie up for dinner. F:What are you doing? B:I'm meeting Bill. F:You don't want to meet Bill. You want to come out with me.(不要脸啊) B: (咬牙切齿地)No, I want to go for a civilized evening with a civilised man. 【F被击得无语凝噎】 【F追着B下楼梯出门】 F:I don't know what this is about.I don't know why you're behaving like this. It's scared you. I understand that, but this isn't you? B:How do you know what's me? F:Because I do.Someone in a position of power is profiteering from this nuclear race.I want to know who Castlecore is and I think you do too. B:I'm going out with Bill. F:And Bel. The flowerpot men.(轻蔑地笑) B:It's not funny. F:It is. It's very funny.(又忍不住嘲笑人家)Cut you to your core, you'll find news running through your spine.(换成认真脸)Stuff dinner. Come with me. B: (得了吧脸)Oh, jump when you want me, you have a wife for that. F:It's over...It's, um...it's just over with me and Camille. B:Freddie... F:I'm not missing her. I’m not missing Camille. I want to. I know that I should, but I'm not. B: (大事不妙了脸)I should go. F:【轻拽B胳膊 切换到无敌深情脸】I...I miss you.I miss YOU more. I, um...I wrote you two letters. One from San Diego. One from New York.And I said... B:Freddie... F:Just get on a plane. Just get on a plane and come. And I said...And you...you didn't write back.(受伤脸)And I told myself, (自嘲地笑)of course, it's because you love news more. That doing this will always be more important than any man. So I will see you tonight, at El Paradis. Because this is what we do.(坚定脸) 【BEL难以置信脸走了,F在她身后望着她】
三. 【一开始 B真的和BILL去吃饭了,然后说着说着,突然决定要去找F】 B: I need to be with Freddie. He needs me. Mr Lyon. 【F看到B之后】F: Bel.I knew you'd come. B:Don't wear that one out.【B主动亲了F脸颊一下】 这集后面的段落就比较甜了。 舞厅大乱的时候F决定打入敌人内部,第一反应是先让B赶紧出去,B狂喊FREDDIE,然后俩人在乱象中伸着手互喊,最后B被H拖走。F偷东西成功跑出来的时候,果不其然B在门口伸着手等他,然后俩人拉着手跑了。 H车上B说要走一段,F说陪她。 俩人走在夜幕中。 B: If it all ends tomorrow... F:Yes? B:I don't want to leave without saying that... F:Without saying what? B:Um... Oh, let's, let's just walk.
关于第一季,我和友人无数次讨论起Bel和Freddie的关系,我们斩钉截铁的说:这不是爱情。 他们可以一起蜷缩在沙发里旁若无人的谈论,可以躺在一张床上绝无拘束,也绝无情欲,熟悉对方的口味,B爱白葡萄酒,F不吃的蛋糕。Bel曾试探Lix问F有没有和她一起看电影,F也在H说出他与B的关系后几近哽咽。他们尽情诋毁对方,认为对方不能没有自己。还有,从来不担心失去对方。他们却不是爱情。这是种太复杂的关系,《V字仇杀队》最后有一段台词,大致是:You are my friend,father,brother,lover...............(欢迎学术考究派的指正) 于是我万分羡慕这样的关系,友爱而不情爱才能永远继续。好的伙伴才不会失去。
Bel是极为克制内心的女人,而Freddie相反。让我们来回忆一下第一季中他们一同去H郊外的房子时,路上Freddie念的那首诗。 I do not know what it is about you That closes and opens Only something in the... 然后Freddie说他忘记后面的句子了。因为这是他写给Bel的情诗。H不明所以,但F和B的表情却非常微妙。
soulmate和lover之间隔的是什么? We need to stop talking,we talk too much.Instead,we have to do something. 为什么不能在一起,身边交换试探眼色的人换了一个又一个,吻过一个又一个,最近的两个人却永远隔着soulmates的距离。我先前武断,总认为是因为两人之间太熟悉。直到Freddie说出这句,我才恍然大悟。
Hector和Marnie这条线让人觉得欣慰。第二季Oona越来越美,穿着红裙子抱着碗在厨房生气打蛋的样子也好可爱!Marnie和Delaine在洗手间说的话是她和Hector关系中的关键:Success is the best revenge.说不上是对Hector的报复,更该说是对从前的自己的报复,从前纵使Marnie是大气的家庭主妇却怎么努力也留不住Hector,现在她站起来不去理他,开始自己的生活,他反而乖乖回头。有自己的人生是最最要紧的,而不是死死抓着哪个旁人不放手,最差即使他没回头又怎样,她一样阳光灿烂。没有谁离不开谁。不过最后这条线也圆满完结,该回家的回家该生娃的生娃。其实我还是挺喜欢Hector的。
新Boss Randall,看完第一集我就燃了这就是我!的!型!好!吗!新墙头Peter叔!总爱绷着一张脸没什么表情,神态口气都看似没有情绪流露但你又总能感受到他也有内心的起伏和挣扎。还有你知道我有多喜欢这种死也要把图钉整整齐齐钉一排的OCD男人吗!!!再加上Lix,从第一季开始全剧我最喜欢的女性角色,别人都是礼服A字裙蓬蓬裙,她永远是一套硬朗裤装,不爱回家的老烟枪,洒脱又寂寞,说话一针见血,和Freddie那段ONS真是【扶额 看到她总觉得都是满满的女王气场和母性光辉【什么 第一季她劝Bel的时候说从前我也有这么个人,总是对他呼之即来挥之即去,等到他属于另一个人了我才发现不解风情的原来是我自己。 啦啦啦不就是Randall嘛 这么喜欢的两个人凑到一起几十年前还生了个女儿真是不能再燃,Randall和Lix每一场的对手戏我都要多看几遍,每一场他们隐忍的表情甚至哭泣,只言片语也能掀起波澜。他们的故事层层推进到最后一场,Randall知道女儿死于空袭以后的心情发作(却还是有他的节制),靠在桌上的哭泣,对Lix安慰的抗拒,一切都让我觉得他们真的是made for each other.
最让我失望的居然是Freddie和Bel这场虐恋。 简单梳理一下就是Freddie去环游世界,写信写明信片Bel也都不回,只好带个法国老婆华丽回归,Bel哪哪都看人家不顺眼,正巧碰上Kendall对她有意就跟人家交往了。其间夹杂B和F各自对对方各种小吃醋闹情绪。结果呢,砰砰砰法国老婆和ITV帅气单亲爸爸都理所应当地成了炮灰。 深情表白时间,Freddie说我试着想她但是没办法,我想念你。临别吻。直到Freddie被打得半死不活扔在草地上,Bel终于回过神来掏出信说对不起我爱你我早想跟你说可是我没勇气你快回来吧。 鸿雁长飞光不度,鱼龙潜跃水成文。 【但必须承认的是moneypenny这个梗真的用的很催泪。】 Kendall泥别傻了,不是there’s only ever room for one newsman in a relationship,是there’s never room for any newman between Bel Rowley and Freddie Lyon