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钓鱼去 Go Fish(1994)

钓鱼去 Go Fish(1994)

又名: 叻女钓鱼记趣(港) / 我女朋友的女朋友 / Ely & Max

导演: Rose Troche

编剧: 吉娜薇·特纳 Alfredo D. Troche

主演: V.S. Brodie Guinevere Turner T. Wendy McMillan

类型: 剧情 爱情 同性

制片国家/地区: 美国

上映日期: 1994-06-10

片长: 83 分钟 IMDb: tt0109913 豆瓣评分:7.2 下载地址:迅雷下载


    叻女的生活是梦游、求爱、超凡入性的欲念、每朝睡过了头的呆相、百无聊赖、Grunge音乐;教人发噱之余,她们又处处识得自爱与自嘲。可爱可人的玛斯正急切渴求女伴,求助身旁的朋友逐一打听,找到个活地·亚伦版的女同志:她害羞、神经兮兮又吞吞吐吐──原来她有个多年的远方情人——惟是扰攘一番,两人终又走在一起。叻女钓鱼绝对没有眼泪、没有压力、没有摆明车马的「站出来」;更把「政治正确」束之高阁──女同志去找男人睡觉,为什么不可以?是 Post-PC的年头作崇,去寻开心才是最上算。叻女钓鱼,鱼获累累。@彩虹左岸



  1. “I have this great fear that the moment we were supposed to meet will be thwarted. Maybe it already has been. I think I saw her on the subway yesterday. I saw her and I thought, we were supposed to meet yesterday on the bus. She was supposed to sit down next to me, spill her soda on me and we were supposed to laugh, making a game of cleaning it up where we touch each other more than necessary, coincidently get off at the same stop, get to talking and then there a moment where she says, well?, like she feels dumb because we really don’t even know each other and we’ve been talking like old friends and that’s when I release how excellent she is in every way and we kiss, right there in the street and it’s a moment we talk about for years later, how we never believed in love at first sight until we met each other. Instead, some fat man got in the way. She was rushing for the bus and he wild in front of her. She tried to get around him, spilled the drink she was supposed to spill in my eager lap on his indifferent shoulder. Then she missed the bus, which had me on it with an empty seat next to me, oblivious, thinking about something like the texture of raisins and scraping at the chunk of gum stuck to the seat in front of me. In fact, I’m sure this is what happened. The whole fiasco probably threw us both way out of wack. Now our paths won’t cross until years later when she’s forgotten she’s a dike and she’ll move in next door to me and I’ll have a painful crush on her and she’ll be sitting on her porch with her boyfriend and she’ll wave to me. I’ll be getting my mail and I’ll get a little lilt in my stomach when she waves and I’ll trip over my cat and I’ll stumble in a kind of Three Stooges way and she’ll look away like she’s embarrassed for me and I’ll go instead and feel really dumb. Then her boyfriend will think I seem like I would be fun and one morning when we bump into each other in front of my house he’ll invite me to a shindig they’re having. I’ll go and not know anyone and sit in a corner and play with pistachio shells and give each woman there a makeover in my head. What if she wore baggy jeans, she’d be really hot if she cut off that perm and stopped giggling so much, then dream girl would introduce me to someone, she’ll say, this is Matt, she’s my neighbor. And I’ll say, no actually it’s Max, it’s Max like where the wild things are. Then I’ll walk home saying, it’s Max, it’s Max, my name is Max. We were supposed to get on the bus two years ago. At this very moment, we’re supposed to be sitting on our couch together reading and playing footsie absentmindedly. My name is Max. I want to borrow your t-shirts and wake you up when I have bad dreams, burst into a smile when we’re fighting because you’re too adorable, pinch your butt when you’re walking up the stairs in front of me. My name is Max. Make up a name that only you call me, make it something you’d be embarrassed to call me accidentally in public. Fall in love with me. We were supposed to meet so long ago. We’re way behind. It’s Max, my name is Max.”

    — Performed by Guinevere Turner, Written by Rose Troche & Guinevere Turner